io.github.betaseg / stardist_train / 0.1.0

StarDist Train

StarDist Train Cover Image
An album solution to train a stardist model
10.1007/978-3-030-00934-2_30Uwe Schmidt and Martin Weigert and Coleman Broaddus and Gene Myers, Cell Detection with Star-Convex Polygons, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Granada, Spain, September 2018
10.1109/WACV45572.2020.9093435Martin Weigert and Uwe Schmidt and Robert Haase and Ko Sugawara and Gene Myers, Star-convex Polyhedra for 3D Object Detection and Segmentation in Microscopy, IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), March 2020
Solution written by
Martin Weigert
Jan Philipp Albrecht
Lucas Rieckert
License of solution


Root folder of your data. Data structure must be provided as specified in documentation! (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
output folder (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Total memory of the gpu to use at max. (default value: 12000)
Number of epochs to train for. (default value: 300)
Number of steps per epochs. (default value: 100)
Grid of the model. Must be given as a string separated by ",". (default value: 2,2,2)
Rays of the model. (default value: 96)
Whether to use gpu or not. Only enable if you have a GPU available that is compatible with tensorflow 2.0. (default value: 1)
Number of input channels (default value: 1)
Backbone of the model. See for more details. (default value: unet)
Depth of the unet. (default value: 3)
Patch size of the training. Each of the 3 dimensions given as string, separated by comma. (default value: 160,160,160)
Batch size of the training. (default value: 1)
Weights for losses relating to (probability, distance). Given as string, separated by comma. (default value: 1,0.1)
Whether to use augmentation or not. If enabled the data is probabilistically flipped, rotated, elastic deformed, intensity scaled and additionally noised. (default value: 1)

Usage instructions

Please follow this link for details on how to install and run this solution.

StarDist Model Training Solution for Album


This is an album solution designed to train a StarDist model directly from the command line. The primary goal of this solution is to facilitate the training of models to segment structures using the StarDist approach.

Please refer to the detailed documentation of StarDist for in-depth understanding and guidelines.

Example: Training a 3D StarDist Model for Secretory Granules Segmentation

Sample Image of Secretory Granules

The purpose of this example is to guide users on training a StarDist model to segment secretory granules from 3D FIB-SEM data. The training procedure and its significance are elaborated in the paper:

Müller, Andreas, et al. "3D FIB-SEM reconstruction of microtubule–organelle interaction in whole primary mouse β cells." Journal of Cell Biology 220.2 (2021).

Dataset Preparation

Download the sample data (or you can prepare your own data in a similar format).


After extracting, your data should be structured as follows:

├── train
│   ├── images
│   └── masks
└── val
    ├── images
    └── masks


Make sure album is already installed. If not, download and install it as described here. Also, don't forget to add the catalog to your album installation, so you can install the solutions from the catalog.

Install the stardist_train and stardist_predict solution by using the graphical user interface (GUI) of album or by running the following command in the terminal:

album install io.github.betaseg:stardist_train:0.1.0
album install io.github.betaseg:stardist_predict:0.1.0

How to use


To start the training process, provide the root directory of the data (using the "root" argument) and the desired output directory (using the "out" argument). By default, the solution will train a 3D stardist model for 100 epochs.

The parameters can be set and run using either the GUI, or by adapting this example for command line usage:

album run stardist_train --root /data/stardist_train/data_granules --out /data/stardist_train/data_granules_out --epochs 10 --steps_per_epoch 15

During training, a TensorBoard will be opened in your browser. You can monitor the training process and the model performance using the TensorBoard. The solution terminates when the training is finished and TensorBoard is closed.

The trained model will be saved in the specified output directory and contains the date and time of the run. The model can be used for inference using the stardist_predict solution.


For inference, provide the path to an input file (TIF) or directory containing multiple files (TIF) using the `fname_input` argument. State the `model_name` and its corresponding directory `model_dir`. The output directory must be specified using the `output_dir` argument.
album run stardist_predict --fname_input /data/stardist_train/data_granules/val/images/high_c1_raw_region_2.tif --model_name 2023_06_28-17_45_35_stardist --model_basedir /data/stardist_train/data_granules_out/ --output_dir /data/stardist_train/predictions

Further documentation:

For further options, parameters and default values, please refer to the info page of the solution:

album info stardist_train

Hardware Requirements

Ensure that your hardware meets the specific requirements of StarDist for efficient training. For training a 3D model, we recommend to use a GPU with at least 8GB of memory.

Citation & License

Stardist is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

If you use this solution, please cite the following paper:

title: Cell Detection with Star-Convex Polygons,
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-00934-2_30


title: Star-convex Polyhedra for 3D Object Detection and Segmentation in Microscopy,
doi: 10.1109/WACV45572.2020.9093435