io.github.betaseg / csbdeep_unet_predict / 0.1.0

CSBDeep Unet Predict

CSBDeep Unet Predict Cover Image
An album solution to predict your image from a Unet with the csbdeep_unet_train solution.
15.12 (2018): 1090-1097.Weigert, Martin, et al. "Content-aware image restoration: pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy." Nature methods 15.12 (2018): 1090-1097.
Solution written by
Martin Weigert
Jan Philipp Albrecht
License of solution


Folder name in which the model is stored. (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
min and max to use for normalization, if not given use 1st and 99.8th percentile of each image (default value: )
file path to your input image or folder. Should be tif file(s). (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
output folder (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
number of tiles per dimension to use for prediction (will be estimated by default) (default value: )

Usage instructions

Please follow this link for details on how to install and run this solution.

CSBDeep Segmentation Solution for Album


This album solution uses the CSBDeep toolbox to train a U-NET model to perfom segmentations from the command line.

The extensive documentation of CSBDeep can be found at

This solution consists of two parts:

  1. CSBDeep-train: This solution is used to train the model
  2. CSBDeep-predict: This solution is used to perform inference/prediction.

Example: 3D segmentation of golgi aparatus with 3D U-Net


This demonstrates how to use the solution to train a 3D U-Net model to perform semantic segmentation of the golgi aparatus from 3D FIB-SEM data The procedure is described in the paper:

Müller, Andreas, et al. "3D FIB-SEM reconstruction of microtubule–organelle interaction in whole primary mouse β cells." Journal of Cell Biology 220.2 (2021).

Download the example data (or adapt your own data into the same format)


which should result in the following folder structure:

├── train
│   ├── images
│   └── masks
└── val
    ├── images
    └── masks


Make sure album is already installed. If not, download and install it as described here. Also, don't forget to add the catalog to your album installation, so you can install the solutions from the catalog.

Install the CSBDeep-train solution by using the graphical user interface (GUI) of album or by running the following command in the terminal:

album install io.github.betaseg:CSBDeep-train:0.1.0

For prediction, install the CSBDeep-predict solution:

album install io.github.betaseg:CSBDeep-predict:0.1.0

How to use


To run the training, set the parameters in the GUI or adapt this example for command line usage: ```bash conda activate album album run csbdeep_unet_train --root /data/csbdeep_unet_train/data_golgi --epochs 3 --steps_per_epoch 5 ```

During training, a browser tab opens and shows the training progress. The program terminates after the training is finished and the tab is closed.


To perform inference/prediction, set the parameters in the GUI or adapt this example for command line usage: ```bash conda activate album album run csbdeep_unet_predict --input /data/csbdeep_unet_train/data_golgi/val/images --outdir /data/segmentations --model /models/2023_07_04-15_06_33_unet ```

For further options and default values, please refer to the corresponding info page of the solution:

album info csbdeep_unet_predict

Further documentation:

For further options, parameters and default values, please refer to the info page of the solution:

album info csbdeep_unet_predict

Hardware requirements

We recommend to use a GPU with at least 8GB of memory to run the solution as a minimum requirement.

Citation & License

This solution is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

If you use this solution, please cite the following paper:

doi: 10.1038/s41592-018-0216-7,
title: Content-aware image restoration: pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy