io.github.betaseg / cellsketch-mesh-view / 0.1.0

CellSketch: Display exported meshes

Screenshot of a raw image next to the mesh generated from it and displayed using vtkplotlib.
Displays all exported meshes from a CellSketch project using vtkplotlib. Colors can be adjusted in the CellSketch BigDataViewer app.
Schroeder, W.; Martin, K.; Lorensen, B. (2006). The Visualization Toolkit (4th ed.), Kitware, ISBN 978-1-930934-19-1
10.5281/ZENODO.3585752Pape, C. (2019). constantinpape/z5
Solution written by
Deborah Schmidt


The CellSketch project (ends with .n5) (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
List of names of elements which should be loaded, comma separated (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
List of names of elements which should not be loaded, comma separated (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)

Usage instructions

Please follow this link for details on how to install and run this solution.