io.github.betaseg / cellsketch-add-filament-knossos / 0.1.1

CellSketch: Add KNOSSOS filament

This solution adds a KNOSSOS filament XML file to an existing CellSketch project.
Citation Müller, D. Schmidt, C. S. Xu, S. Pang, J. V. D'Costa, S. Kretschmar, C. Münster, T. Kurth, F. Jug, M. Weigert, H. F. Hess, M. Solimena; 3D FIB-SEM reconstruction of microtubule-organelle interaction in whole primary mouse β cells. J Cell Biol 1 February 2021; 220 (2): e202010039.
Solution written by
Deborah Schmidt


The CellSketch project to be opened (.n5). (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
The dataset file (3D) (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
The name of the dataset (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Scale factor X for input dataset (default value: 1)
Scale factor Y of input dataset (default value: 1)
Scale factor Z of input dataset (default value: 1)
Color of dataset in red:green:blue:alpha where all values can be 0-255 (i.e. 255:255:0:255) (default value: 255:255:255:255)
Filaments radius in μm (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Threshold to count filament ends as connected in um (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)

Usage instructions

Please follow this link for details on how to install and run this solution.